madeline zappala

The pieces in 'light + magnets' capture impressions of poems written with custom magnets featuring appropriated text from articles, blog posts, tweets, and other fragments of language online that impacted me enough to screenshot and save. Embedded in these images is the absence of language, a gesture at the ungraspable impact of all of the text we encounter on our screens on a daily basis. As a visual artist, I primarily work with image and text, focusing on the intersection of collective cultural consciousness and technological space, and am invested in unearthing the hidden narratives buried in digital interactions, and creating nonlinear, analog deconstructions of the digital world we know too well.

Madeline Zappala works and lives in Brooklyn, where they landed after receiving an MFA in Visual Art from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts and Tufts University. Most recently, their work has been published in Create Magazine, the Society of Photographic Education Journal and Aint Bad Magazine, as well as exhibited at Flux Factory, Eleven Brooklyn, the New York Tech Zine Fair and the Boston Art Book Fair. Find more of their work at or on Instagram and Twitter @mdlnzppl.