Whispering to captains

In line for Peter Pan’s Flight at Disney World
a bunch of dudes in Deadpool t-shirts sweat
with their kids and their backpacks while tinkering
with smartphones and tablets and ignoring
the painted shields and decorative frames.
We visited Universal Studios yesterday
which had the great advantage of building
its park years after studying the flaws
in Disney’s properties so we left our minivan
in the King Kong lot of a multilevel garage,
were cooled by fans
installed along the sidewalks,
didn’t wait in line to get photographed
with Bullwinkle or Woody Woodpecker
and now it's strange consuming Disney World
with Jewish children considering Walt’s Nazi sympathies
but perhaps the lesson is it's okay to separate art
from the artist and appreciate them as different things
but Danny won’t watch
Game of Thrones
because he thinks the show betrays the books
and my brother says you can't separate
the statue from the stone from which it’s carved.
The couple in line ahead of us agrees
Phish was better when Trey was shooting heroin
as Danny asks my sister if the face he sees
in an orange rind resembles Jesus or Pablo Escobar,
my son picks up a yellow Crayon wrapper he mistook
for a rolled and flattened twenty dollar bill
and my daughter whines about how unfair
my wife and I are for refusing to allow her
to have her own YouTube channel.
If all your friends are busy making
we ask her,
who’s left to watch them?
Back at the hotel my son bathes
in a tub of soapy water playing
with the plastic soap wrappers, whispering
to the captains of these imaginary ships
that float in his wake before sinking
Brad Johnson’s full-length poetry collection The Happiness Theory (Main Street, 2013) is available at bit.ly/BradJohnsonBooks Work of his has also been accepted by Hayden’s Ferry Review, J Journal, New Madrid, Meridian, Poet Lore, Salamander, Southern Indiana Review, Tampa Review, Tar River Poetry and others.

Brad Johnson

what falls into the deep
is lost forever felicia berliner